Thirteen Down and Three To Go

Being a little superstitious, I almost titled this post “12.9 Down and 3.1 To Go.”  :-0 

So far, Sarge is doing well with the Vincristine that he got this morning.  He snoozed comfortably when we got home, but then he was a little reluctant to get up and go for the afternoon walk.  But once he was up, he was up making a bee line for the Pet Store down the street.  He loves his treats and they love to give them to him. 

After a pretty long walk, we returned home where he indulged in his afternoon Kong…stuffed with herring and sweet potato dog food.  They love that stuff but it does stink up the house!

Cytoxan on the 16th.  Lovin’ the two week break!

P.S.  We saw another greyhound at the vet hospital this morning.  The owner had brought in her grey for a checkup because he had spiked a fever a few days earlier and spent a couple days in the hospital.   I told her about Sarge, and she said one of her other greys had lived 2 years post-cancern diagnosis – chemo treatment.  Let’s keep our fingers, toes, and paws crossed that Sarge can meet – or beat – that timeframe!

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