Feeling a Little Yucky After the Vincristine

I just wanted to post a note so I don’t forget about this…

This week, post-Vincristine, Sarge had a little bit of decreased appetite and some loose stools.  Up to this point, the Vincristine has never caused him any issues so it was a little surprising.  Maybe he is still suffering some after-effects of the Adriamycin.  Of particular concern was a little bit of blood in his stool the past couple of days too.  Hopefully that totally disappears soon.

I ramped up the irresistability of his diet to make sure he kept his enthusiasm for eating.  It’s worked for the most part, but, for some reason, both he and Daphne did not want to eat their breakfast kibble this morning even though it was spiced up with Brats and Tots.  I added tuna and I got most of it down them but they still had some leftovers (which I put in the fridge and fed them for dinner).  What is it about morning meals?

Also, Sarge peed in the house this morning before we went on our walk.  This is now the third time in 2011, which is quite unusual for him.  I’m assuming that the chemo / age may be taking a toll on his ability to hold his bladder.  I did sleep in a little longer than usual this morning, which delayed our walk.  I need to be sure and make allowances for this “new normal.”

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