Back Legs are Weak

This past weekend I noticed that Sarge’s back legs had gotten pretty weak.  He walks very gingerly, is not eager to get up from his bed, and he has some problems changing elevations (e.g., when stepping outside the door).  I think it has been building over several weeks but it has gotten worse of late.  The good news is that he does not seem to be in any pain, but he could be one of those stoic greyhounds who does not let on that he is hurting.

I posted my concern to the Circle of Grey and one of the greyhound owners, who also happens to be a vet, told me that I should have him checked out by my vet.  She said it could be the cancer but it also could be Lumbosacral Stenosis, which is not uncommon for greyhounds, especially males, as they age.  (See for more info.)  I certainly don’t want it to be the cancer, and I don’t really like the thought of the LS either.

I called the oncologist and left a message with a description of the problem.  The vet tech called me back and said I could bring Sarge in or take him to my regular vet.  So I made an appointment for my regular vet to see Sarge on Thursday afternoon.  Then, the oncologist can also check him out when Sarge has his next chemo treatment next Wednesday. 

The oncologist did not seem overly worried in terms of urgency.  The vet tech also said I might need to see a neurologist, a surgeon…yeesh.  Let’s hope not.

Sarge definitely seems to have aged over the past month or so…ever since he had that second dose of Adriamycin. 😦 But maybe that was just a coincidence.

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