Fifteen Down and One To Go

Woo hoo!  In two weeks, we are done, done, done!

Sarge had his last round of Vincristine this morning.  Overall, he has been doing fine today:  lots of snoozing, a couple of walks (including one to the pet store down the street where I spent $28 on very expensive dog food and treats), and two Kongs for snacks.

I asked the oncologist (via a written note – haven’t seen the man in months) if I could give Sarge a glucousamine supplement to help with his joints, and he said that would be fine.  It will not interfere with the chemo drugs.  In particular, I asked about that Missing Link and he said “no problem.”  Sarge’s back legs seem to be doing better than they were last week but he is still weaker in the back-end.

I asked the oncologist if he thought the weakness in Sarge’s back legs could be the cancer and he said that he did not think so.  Whew!  I didn’t think it was either, but paranoia reigns.

The end of treatment always seemed so far away so I never bothered to ask what happens when we are done with the treatments.  Since the end is just around the corner, I remembered to ask the vet tech what happens after round 16.  Is there any kind of follow-up appointments?  She said that I would meet with Dr. Hamilton when I come to pickup Sarge after the 16th treatment and at that time we would discuss follow-up.  She expected that I will be bringing Sarge back for an exam about 6 – 8 weeks after we finish the protocol.  I told her that I was anxious about giving Sarge another round of that Adriamycin since his appetite still hasn’t fully recovered from the last round.  She said they could send me home with something stronger than Pepcid to use as a prophylactic.  I want my boy to be the enthusiastic eater that he has always been.  I can’t deal with two picky eaters.

One thing I noticed today while we were walking back from the pet store…Sarge’s gums on one side were bleeding a little bit.  😦  I have never had his teeth cleaned and, needless to say, they are not in the best of shape.  But I have never noticed them bleed before.  Maybe his mouth hurts, which is making him less interested in eating.  Waaaaa!!!  I just want everything to be normal.  No more problems!

I used to be much better at dealing with stress.  Now I just want to crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head.

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