Archive for April 25, 2011

Check-up on Wednesday

Sarge sees Dr. Hamilton on Wednesday for a 6 week post-chemo check-up.  Paranoia reigns!

I keep staring at Sarge’s neck and feeling it for lumps.  Sometimes it looks like his throat might be a little swollen, and I kind of feel his lymph nodes.  But I never really felt his nodes before so I can’t say they are any different, and the swollen-ness depends on the angle from which you view his throat.

Sarge still is not interested in eating in the mornings.  He walks away from his food bowl, which is filled with lots of extra yummy stuff.  (What dog walks away from turkey meatballs?)  I literally have to feed him from my hand.  He even boycotted his dinner Sunday night.

He did eat his post-breakfast meals with enthusiasm tonight (rotisserie chicken for dinner!) so he may have been overly tired from our weekend activities.

Also, he is relatively low energy compared to his pre-lymphoma state.

Otherwise, I would say he is doing good!  I hope Dr. Hamilton agrees on Wednesday.

We are planning a road trip to Florida in May so he needs to stay healthy for the visit to Grandma’s house (and her cats).